Making Deep Expertise and Capital Available

We represent unparalleled expertise in intellectual property, finance, and technology – all essential components of success.

At Armada, we are innovators, inventors, and finance professionals. We understand the challenges faced by those whose business relies on innovation and intellectual property to succeed and grow.

We have a holistic approach for building, managing, and employing intellectual property to serve our clients’ business goals. Our commitment to long-term goals and our financial strength make us the value-added partner that small and mid-size innovators prefer to have on their corner.

Helping Innovators

Armada exists to fill the expertise and capital gap that many innovators have to overcome when they are inventing, building, and defending their technology and products. We have created Armada as a platform to provide expert advice and management of IP assets, and to provide capital when needed.

We believe that success in creating valuable technology, products, and IP requires deep expertise in technology, finance, as well as intellectual property. We started Armada to bring together all of the elements of success.

  • We are technologists with a long track record of creating commercially valuable technology and products
  • We are financial professionals with specific experience in the finance of innovation
  • We are patent practitioners and inventors ourselves with hundreds of inventions to our names that have been successfully commercialized

I know of nothing so pleasant to minds as the discovery of anything which is at once new and valuable; for nothing which so lightens and sweetens toil, as the hopeful pursuit of such discovery.

Abraham Lincoln